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Ceragem Science Institute was established to research the disorders caused by spine problems as well as to provide an education about those spine-related illnesses. Lately, the research related to the spine is becoming an important area of research in the aging society as the standard of living is being improved and the average life expectancy is increasing.
At the Ceragem Spine Institute, the best medical staffs are conducting research and development for the effective and safe spine health products. In addition, the basic study of spine health and the technology development is in progress through active communication and collaboration. Ceragem Spine Institute will make an endless effort to support a healthy and happy life for the people around the world through continuous research.

Ceragem thermal massager was developed based on the principal of alternative medicine and Eastern medicine combined with Chiropractic, thermal therapy and acupressure. Currently, many countries are actively studying the effect of the Ceragem thermal massager. The Ceragem Spine Institute Advisory Group has been conducting leading-edge research on the spine. The advisory group is providing a variety of alternatives about how to maintain a healthy spine in daily life.

It is said, “The bad posture causes a bad spine.” People who have been exercising continuously maintain very good bone density. Their bone age is between 30s and 40s even though they are in 70s. On the contrary, we often see many people in 50s that have the bone of people in their 70s. What is the reason for the difference in bone density?
The biggest concern of astronauts is the change on the bone when they are in the state of free-gravity. Bones become weak and thin while living in space for 1~2 years. The state of free-gravity causes the weakness of bone. This is called, “piezoelectric effect”. New bone is generated when a constant load of stimulus is given. Exercise helps bone generation by providing stimulus to the bone.
For women, osteoporosis comes after menopause. For men, climacterium starts in their 50s~60s and they often have back pain during this period. The bones in our body maintain a regular shape always. However, the process of new bone tissues replacing the old tissues is being continued inside of the bones. When people age, the generation of the new bone slows down; the old bone is not replaced with new bone any more. As a result, osteoporosis begins due to low bone density.
Exercise is the best method to prevent osteoporosis.
Taking calcium is commonly recommended to prevent to have osteoporosis. However, exercise is more important to strengthen bone. According to the research result, many of senior citizens of ages between 70s and 80s have a degenerated spine condition but they live a healthy life without pain. It is possible because they have been exercising to keep healthy spine. The strong muscles built from exercising support the spine to keep its healthy shape in spite of the degenerative change.

The spine maintains its shape with the support of the muscles around it. Therefore, when there is a problem on the muscles around the spine, it causes deformation and pain of the spine. A thermal therapy provides a big relief. The thermal therapy relaxes knotted muscles.
The thermal therapy is divided in two methods. One is a superficial heat therapy which provides heat on the epidermis and dermis with hot pack and infrared rays. The other one is a deep heat therapy which provides heat to subcutaneous fat, muscles and joints with ultrasound, short wave and ultrashort wave. The effect of the heat brings changes to metabolic activity, hemodynamic function, nervous reactions and the activity of skeletal muscles as well as the transformation of the connective tissue. All these effects are directly and indirectly related to maintenance of pain due to the damage of tissue.
Many people might ask if there is connection between the spine and body temperature. However, the spine and body temperature are closely connected. For instance, when the human body temperature drops lower than the average, the muscles and ligament around the spine stiffens then generate pain. To keep the body temperature at normal level is to protect the spine which is as important as life.

I used to lose all data when the computer power was off all of sudden. It is rare now but that happening was very common even a few years ago. I was so frustrated I wanted to fling the computer on the floor when it happened. But does power outage occur only to the computer? When the power outage occurs, all the home appliances become useless. The spinal nerve, a lifeline of our body, can be explained in the same context. When there is disorder in our body, the disorder can lead to loss of life sometimes. It is because we neglected the spinal nerve when it had a problem. So it is important to protect the spinal nerve and not to be pressed. When the spinal nerve is well protected, the life communications between the brain and body organs, tissue and cell will be smooth without clogging, not to mention the pain caused by diseases will be disappeared.
Why the spinal nerve is pressed?
When the vertebrae are out of place from the spine, the spinal nerve is blocked. When it happens, the brain and body organs fail to have normal nerve reaction. Therefore we lose our health.